Dynamic Dog Assessment

A Dynamic Dog Assessment helps your vet to identify whether your dog is experiencing pain or discomfort.

Dogs often don't show symptoms when at the vet, due to being scared, out of their comfort zone, the smell of other dogs, etc.

Vets are busy and consultation times are short. A Dynamic Dog Assessment only takes the vet a few minutes to read and can help them to pinpoint the areas of concern.

"A recent study carried out by Professor Daniel Mills at Lincoln University found that up to 80% of dogs that presented with behavioural issues had some form of undiagnosed pain that was a direct cause of, or a contributing factor to, their challenging behaviour. "

As a Dynamic Dog Practitioner I have been trained in canine biomechanics, posture and gait analysis and I understand how physical issues may exacerbate and even cause behavioural issues in dogs.

I will carry out a full functional assessment and compile a report for your vet to support their examination of your dog.

Following the assessment I will provide you with a behaviour management plan whilst veterinary support is given and longer term, depending on the assessment requirements.

What might be going on for your dog?

Are they ...

  • Constantly jumping up
  • Becoming destructive
  • Barking and lunging at everything on a walk
  • Resource guarding
  • Obsessively licking themselves or something else
  • Refusing to walk or not wanting their harness on
  • Growling when you ask them to move

How does the Assessment process work?

Introductory Call

This is a free 15 minute  pre-assessment call

Deep Dive - All About The Dog

In depth interview  - in person or via Zoom - lasting around 1 1/2 hours to find out about what daily life is like for the dog and owner. Expect to be asked for lots of detail!

Evidence Gathering

Videos and photos of the dog doing day to day activities for analysis, to look at potential physical issues. I will also require permission to ask your vet for your dog's veterinary history.

Evidence analysis

I will review the video and photographic evidence along with information from the deep dive and vet history to build a picture of what is going on for the dog

Veterinary Report and Liaison

I compile a comprehensive report backed up by supporting video and photographic evidence for the vet so they can diagnose and treat any underlying health issues, to lessen the impact on your dog's behaviour. I go through this with you and send this to your vet with my contact details so they can ask me any questions they may have about the report

Behaviour Managment Plan

I will support you following the Assessment. This may be short term to help you micro manage the behaviour whilst waiting for Veterinary support, or longer term depending on the outcome of the assessment

If you want to find out more, book your call today